Sigil Store items for sale this week
Thanks to 2 years of Valerica recording the Sigil store items on sale, we have an estimate of the likely coming items for sale.
Note this is not definitive, we do not have access any information from Bethesda, so there could be changes, though it has historically been accurate.
Please note we are reliant on someone else for this data and will provide it as soon as we have it available.
Items are on cycles, so if you are planning for specific pieces of equipment you can plan ahead to ensure you have the resources to enchant There are tables below estimating items for the next few months.
Monday, February 3
Deadric longsword (7Days)
Deadric shield (7Days)
Dragonplate shield (7days)
Boots of dispersion
Iron shield
Dwarven mace
Silver boots
Glass helmet
Tuesday, February 4
Mephala’s teacher
Elven greatsword
Orcish light hammer
Orcish scaled gauntlets
Glass armor
Dragonplate gauntlets
Wednesday, February 5
Gauntlets of the companions
Dwarven greatsword
Deadric mace
Glass gauntlets
Orcish plate armor
Dragonscale helmet
Thursday, February 6
Band of the wraith
Dwarven shield
Silver dagger
Hide boots
Dwarven plate helmet
Deadric mail boots
Dragonscale armor
Ebony fearite necklace
Friday, February 7
Shield of stasis
Orcish warhammer
Ebony war axe
Glass boots
Dwarven mail armor
Ebony fearite ring
Saturday, February 8
Paladins helmet
Silver greatsword
Steel hand axe
Quicksilver boots
Chitin armor
Sunday, February 9
Chaurus shield
Elven light hammer
Chitin gauntlets
Chaurus armor
Deadric plate gauntlets
Monday, February 10
Shield of Chorrol
Glass greatsword
Iron dagger
Steel gauntlets
Stalhrim helmet
Tuesday, February 11
Purifiers cocoon
Orcish battleaxe
Iron longsword
Leather hood
Wednesday, February 12
Master ring of shocks
Steel greatsword
Silver light hammer
Stalhrim boots
Ebony armor
Thursday, February 13
Elven battleaxe
Silver war axe
Iron gauntlets
Silver gauntlets
Silver helmet
Friday, February 14
Captain Kordans saber
Orcish greatsword
Ebony longsword
Deadric mail gauntlets
Dwarven mail helmet
Deadric mail boots
Dragonplate boots
Ebony fearite necklace
Saturday, February 15
Deadric warhammer
Glass light hammer
Deadric plate gauntlets
Elven helmet
Ebony fearite ring
Sunday, February 16
Glass warhammer
Glass hand axe
Orcish plate boots
Stalhrim armor
Dragonplate gauntlets